EMBA Ministers' Conference


5th-7th February 2025

Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick

We are looking forward to welcoming Rev Dr Helen Paynter to our 2025 Ministers Conference.

Helen is Director of Theological Education, Tutor in Biblical Studies, and Executive Director of the Centre for the Study of Bible and Violence at Bristol Baptist College.  CLICK HERE for more information about her.

We will be sharing more info about he conference in the coming months but put the dates in your diary and watch out for updates


We were delighted to welcome Rev Dr Stephen Holmes as our keynote speaker for the conference.  Stephen explored the opportunities our Baptis identity gives us in facing the challenges of the world to which we are called.


Session 1: Of Lampstands and Stars - Finding Identity and Hope in Revelation 1


Session 2: Real Community in a Lonely World


Session 3: Real Purpose in a Confused World


Session 4: Real Hope in a Despairing World


Session 5: Closing Address (Acts 3)


Rev Dr Stephen Holmes is a Baptist minister, writer and speaker and currently Senior Lecturer in Theology at the University of St. Andrews. His areas of interest include systematic and historical theology. 

He has published many books including Baptist Theology (2012), The Holy Trinity: Understanding God’s Life (2011) and Public Theology in Cultural Engagement (2008)

You can find out more about Stephen, and links to recent publications here:






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