The Gathering

Saturday 29th June 2024

Springwell, Whetstone Baptist Church Leicestershire

What an amazing day!  Over 130 of us gathered to worship, pray and learn together.  We heard news from the EMBA team, welcomed and inducted Pete Leveson as a Regional Minister, prayed for Pete and the whole staff team, welcomed and prayed for ministers new to the EMBA, prayed for our world, our churches and ourselves.  We re-elected four servant-hearted people to serve as EMBA directors, and shared good news stories with one another.

Alex Harris's passion for helping churches to share the good news of Jesus with their neighbours shone through his keynote address and Chrissy Remsberg and he shared lots of wisdom from their exerience and research on how churches can apply some simple principles to help this to happen.

The welcome we received from the folks of Whetstone Baptist Church was amazing and we say thank you to all those who served teas and coffees, looked after the AV and video and helped so graciously with practicalities all day long.  We are also grateful to the worship band gathered from various EMBA churches who shared their musical gifts so generously and enabled us to worship so well.

If you would like to catch Alex's Keynote Address you can watch it here:

If you want to find out more about the Firestarters Network CLICK HERE

Alex also oversees a training program at St. Hild Centre for Church Planting called Seedbed.  To find out more CLICK HERE

We will be gathering again next year on Saturday 14th June 2025 so save the date in your diary. 

Please note that this is a change to the date previously announced  Venue and themese to follwo early in 2025 but save the date for now.


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